The election is approaching quickly. Come get your questions answered and hear from Lorissa for one last time before the election. See why she truly is the conservative choice for District 50!
If medical freedom, religious freedom, your child's education, the sanctity of life from conception to natural death, the 2nd Amendment, fiscal responsibility, and the Constitution are important to you, please come! Patriots united can take back our state and our country!
Thursday, April 28th at 7 Pm
Hillcrest Church of the Nazarene
402 E 1st St.
Warren, IN 46792

Larissa votes for the best for the community. her salary is about $6500 per year, so if she gave herself a raise, then I do think she deserved it!
i want to know if any of what the radio comm. are saying are true. did you vote against property tax cuts and vote yourself a raise?